fear of rejection

美 [fɪr əv rɪ'dʒekʃ(ə)n]英 [fɪə(r) ɒv rɪ'dʒekʃ(ə)n]
  • 害怕被拒绝
fear of rejectionfear of rejection
  1. Say your obstacle is fear of rejection .


  2. His feelings of insecurity are bound up with his fear of rejection .


  3. Fear of rejection prevents many people from forming close relationships .


  4. He decided not to approach her for fear of rejection .


  5. What can I do to overcome my fear of rejection ?


  6. Taking risks will present many more opportunities than if you live your life in fear of rejection or embarrassment .


  7. I don 't have to be Freud to know I have a fear of rejection .


  8. Once we lose the fear of rejection we more easily go after what we want , and thus get more of it .


  9. Because of the fear of rejection and stigma many women just pretend or continue breastfeeding , as if all is well .


  10. If you can reject those who reject you , then you will have no fear of rejection .


  11. He would chase it down the runway without fear of rejection or close encounters with the chopper 's rotor blades .


  12. Do not seek re-affirmation of your virtues in others , for that is the root of your fear of rejection .


  13. You aren 't acknowledging the psychological and emotional stress that changing jobs entails : By denying this reality , people operate out of fear of rejection .


  14. The fear of rejection is often softened and we can undergo almost any setback or rejection when we know someone loves us regardless of our success or failure .


  15. However , it is possible to move on - but you have to be willing to accept the loss , the fear of rejection by others , and most importantly , the fear of change .


  16. You 'll need to boost your confidence because one of those hovering fears is bound to come slamming down more than once during an aggressive job hunt & the fear of rejection .


  17. You 've been dying to ask your boss for a raise and a promotion that you know you deserve , but fear of rejection prevents you from summoning up the courage .


  18. Don 't let an innate fear of rejection stop you from asking for a second date . Don 't beat around the bush and try to fish out a response before you actually ask the question .


  19. Fear of the rejection letters , emails , calls you suspect will come .


  20. Some of these companies have excellent training programs that help people get over their fear of failure and rejection , which are the main reasons people are unsuccessful .


  21. Our obsession with perfection - our fear of failure and rejection of negative emotions - leads us to suboptimal performance as well as unhappiness .


  22. When I was able to overcome this fear of not being good enough , this fear of failure and rejection , and put myself out there in the world , I succeeded . I found out that I was good enough .


  23. Fear prevents people from reaching their fullest potential : fear of failure , of rejection , that we aren 't good enough .
